Raspberry Pi pin mappings

You need to know which physical header pins on the Raspberry Pi correspond to which pin numbers you access in your code. For example the pin 37 (second from bottom left pin) maps on GPIO 26. There is a very helpful document on the Microsoft web site that gives you the pin mappings, but for convenience I’ve also summarised the information in the following table:

GPIO# Power-on Pull Alternate Functions Header Pin
2 PullUp I2C1 SDA 3
3 PullUp I2C1 SCL 5
4 PullUp 7
5 PullUp 29
6 PullUp 31
7 PullUp SPI0 CS1 26
8 PullUp SPI0 CS0 24
9 PullDown SPI0 MISO 21
10 PullDown SPI0 MOSI 19
11 PullDown SPI0 SCLK 23
12 PullDown 32
13 PullDown 33
16 PullDown SPI1 CS0 36
17 PullDown 11
18 PullDown 12
19 PullDown SPI1 MISO 35
20 PullDown SPI1 MOSI 38
21 PullDown SPI1 SCLK 40
22 PullDown 15
23 PullDown 16
24 PullDown 18
25 PullDown 22
26 PullDown 37
27 PullDown 13
35* PullUp Red Power LED
47* PullUp Green Activity LED

* = Raspberry Pi 2 ONLY. GPIO 35 & 47 are not available on Raspberry Pi 3.

Deploy hints for apps on Windows 10 Iot device

The deploy step to debug an application on Windows 10 Iot device (like Raspberry Pi) needs some attention. The first thing to do is select the “Remote Machine” in debug section of project properties and than set the address to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, and set the Authentication Mode to “Universal (Unencrypted Protocol”). Next, press F5 on your project. This will install your project onto the Raspberry Pi and start debugging.

When debugging stops the application is again in the device. But if it is a background application it is not running. Should be able to see it in the web management portal under the “Apps Manager” option. You can use this to start and stop an application; configure it to start automatically at boot up, and to uninstall the application.

W10 IOT cannot install Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform

I developed a background application for Windows 10 Iot to run on a Raspberry Pi but when I create the new project I get the following Error:

enter image description here

If I manually add the last version of Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform package and than I start Build I get a lots of errors.

The temporary fix that works for me is the following :

  • replace in your .csproj file
  <!-- A reference to the entire .Net Framework and Windows SDK are automatically included -->
  <None Include="project.json" />


  • and after manually add the Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform package from nuget manager

And finally I can Build my app.

Unable to load clrcompression.dll when debugging on WM10

Develop for Windows 10 Mobile becomes always more hard. I updated an App in the Store and in the previous version I debugged it on Windows 10 Mobile without problem (I used a Lumia 930). But now I continue to get this error :

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘clrcompression.dll’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

After many tests the solution has been to flag “Compile with .NET Native tool chain” in the Build section of Project properties. A fix to remember.


After update to Fall Creators Update I have 114 entries in start menu with NoUIEntryPoints-DesignMode

If you experienced the same problem just after updated your windows 10 PC to Fall Creator Update and you have hundreds of entries in start menu labeled “NoUIEntryPoints-DesignMode” than you have a big problem.
They are packages of deployed UWP App you made when debugged your Apps during development. Now with the update to Fall Creators Updated they appear in the start menu.

The solution is to use the following PowerShell command:

Get-AppxPackage -Publisher “CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US” | ? {$_.IsDevelopmentMode -eq “True”} | Remove-AppxPackage

That’s magic resolve the problem


Password Wallet Sync, new version in the Store to fix a bug

I just released a new version in the Store that fix a huge bug to access OneDrive. The use UWPCommunityToolkit to access OneDrive and it has a bug in one method used to get the OneDrive root. I submitted a fix also in the UWPCommunityToolkit project but in the meantime I used a trick to solve the bug. So I released a new version to allow users to continue to use the App. I hope my effort is appreciated.

Password Wallet Sync, a new version in the Store

In the store there is a new version that adds photos, for example for loyalty card barcodes. It has also optimized the method of writing and reading on the OneDrive cloud that should decrease the time of data transfer. Unfortunately Microsoft made me remove the categories related to banks and credit cards due to a violation of the rules. I’m really sorry, but I couldn’t do anything but follow the rules. Use other categories for banks and credit cards for now. In the future I could find a solution to reintroduce them.

Password Wallet Sync, nuova versione nello Store

Nello Store c’e’ una nuova versione che aggiunge le foto, per esempio per i codici a barre delle Carte Fedeltà. E’ stato ottimizzato anche il metodo di scrittura e lettura sul cloud OneDrive che dovrebbe diminuire i tempi di trasferimento dei dati. Purtroppo Microsoft mi ha fatto togliere le categorie relative alle Banche e Carte di Credito a causa di una violazione del regolamento. Mi spiace molto ma non potevo fare altro che seguire le regole. Usate altre categorie per Banche e carte di credito per ora. In futuro potrei trovare una soluzione per reintrodurle.

Nuova versione di Oggi in TV nello Store

Ho dovuto rilasciare una nuova versione dell’App Oggi in TV che fornisce la guida tv del giorno dei principali canali televisivi del digitale terrestre poiché con l’aggiornamento di Windows 10 alla build 15063.332 non si riusciva piu’ a chiudere la finestra di dettaglio dei programmi tv. Scaricate questo aggiornamento e il problema e’ risolto.


Notizie dal lancio di VS 2017

Oggi 7 Marzo 2017 e’ stato lanciato ufficialmente il nuovo Visual Studio 2017. Tante novita’ interessanti. Mi sono segnato le seguenti cose da ricordare:

Lo sviluppo basato su Microservices e’ meglio rispetto quello classico a strati. Ecco un esempio da studiare su Github : eShopOnContainers – Microservices Architecture and Containers based Reference Application (https://github.com/dotnet/eShopOnContainers).

Visual Studio Tool for .Net Core

Visual Studio Dev Essentials
Strumenti, servizi cloud e corsi di formazione gratuiti
Ottieni tutto quello che ti serve per sviluppare e distribuire la tua app su qualsiasi piattaforma. Con strumenti avanzati, capacità del cloud, risorse di formazione e supporto, questo è il programma gratuito dedicato agli sviluppatori più completo di sempre.

a fictional company that allows users to rent bikes located throughout New York City and Seattle. BikeRider, the consumer mobile app for BikeSharing360, is a beautiful native mobile app for iOS, Android, and Windows built with Xamarin.Forms.
Introducing the BikeRider Xamarin.Forms Sample App
Il codice sorgente dell’app che mostra come costruire un’app multipiattaforma:
BikeSharing360_MobileApps su Github.


Visual Studio Mobile Center PREVIEW
Visual Studio Mobile Center is mission control for your mobile apps
Bring your apps written in any language to Visual Studio Mobile Center’s cloud and lifecycle services and you’ll get faster release cycles, higher-quality apps, and the time and data to focus on what users want.

Enterprise DevOps Accelerator
The Enterprise DevOps Accelerator is a limited time offer
for mid-sized to large development teams looking to modernize
their tool chains and focus on innovation.

Maggiori spiegazioni di questi punti si possono trovare nel keynote. (http://launch.visualstudio.com)