SQL BPA command line has stopped working

E’ l’errore che ottenevo tutte le volte che tentavo di installare la SP3 di SQL 2005 Express with advanced Services su un PC con Vista. E poi desistevo in quanto non sapevo cosa fare.
Finalmente ci sono riuscito semplicemente copiando il file BPAClient.dll che si trova in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\BPA\bin nella directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\BPA. Poi si ripete l’installazione della SP3 questa volta con successo.

Movie Maker per Windows 7

Nell’articolo Download Windows Live Movie Maker 2009 (v14) for Windows 7 (with Offline Installer) viene segnalata l’uscita della nuova versione di Movie Maker per Windows 7.

Windows Live Movie Maker is set to replace Windows Movie Maker that included in Windows Vista, and is available as part of Windows Live Essentials as Windows Movie Maker alternative for Windows 7, which does not include any video editing software out of the box.

Eliminare file duplicati dall’hard disk

Nell’articolo BitFinder Detects Duplicated Files to Conserve Hard Disk Space in Windows System viene mostratao BitFinder per eliminare i file duplicati.

Once install and launch the utility, you will be brought to a simple GUI. Without complicated setup, users can begin to specify the folders that intend to be searched under the ‘Search in’ box. Do take note that if you select the local drives or computer directory following by a click on ‘Search’ button may not able to trigger the searching activities unless users specify on the directories by choosing ‘Others’, then browse on the specific directories. Tick on the ‘Include subfolders’ will include the sub-directories to be searched as well depending on the needs. Also users can specify the file types, either document, image, audio, video and etc. Besides, it also supports encryption protocols such as SHA1 or MD5 and good thing is, the utility can be integrated into shell context menu for faster operation without the need to launch the utility manually.

However, one thing it lacks is the ability to view the duplicated files in preview mode and the only way is to open the file from its location to examine if the file can be deleted without worry. Nevertheless, users can choose to copy or move the duplicated files to any folders, including any external removable drive for backup. Impressingly, it managed to detect thousands of duplicated copies in my local hard disk in less than 7 minutes. Consumed at only 700kB, BitFinder is definitely a great utility to free up some of your hard disk space by detecting and deleting duplicated copies for optimum Windows system performance



Sorgenti delle librerie dotnet

All’indirizzo http://referencesource.microsoft.com/netframework.aspx si possono scaricare i sorgenti delle principali librerie di dotnet da usare in visual studi oper il debugging. Purtroppo la versione 1.3 del framework 3.5 che dovrebbe contenere WPF non ha il link presente.
Altre informazioni utili si possono trovare nel post : Disponibili nuovi sorgenti delle librerie del Framework (WCF e Asp.net MVC)

Windows Home Server Power Pack 3 Beta

There’s a new Power Pack (number 3) beta available for Windows Home Server that includes tighter integration with your Windows 7 machines, your Media Center, and your netbooks. This new Power Pack includes

  • Image based backup (as opposed to file-based backup)
  • Automatic integration of your Windows Home Server into your Windows 7 libraries for quick access to all your media.
  • Windows Search 4 has been implemented for faster search and indexing times.
  • Better support for Home Server on netbooks with low resolution screens.
  • Further support for Media Center to access media content on your Home Server. This gives you a menu item in your Media Center to connect to your Home Server.
  • The ability to archive your TV recordings to your Home Server – in various resolutions. Ability to save specifically for Media CEnter playback, Windows Mobile phone playback, and the Zune player.
  • A quick view that allows you to see the amount of storage on your Home Server, drives, shared folders and other stats and health info.

You can sign up by going to https://connect.microsoft.com/WindowsHomeServer


Questa news è stata presa da Windows Home Server Power Pack 3 Beta

Realizzare un piano di backup per Sql Server 2005

Si puo’ creare un Sql Job che periodicamente fa il backup del database come descritto nell’articolo: Creating Backup Jobs in SQL Server 2005

Un’altra soluzione potrebbe essere quella di fare un backup locale e poi copiare i file su un folder remoto usando uno script del tipo :

robocopy "X:\folder\sql.bak" "\\servername\folder" /ZB /E /LOG+:log.txt

the option /ZB to restart when network hicups
X: is your partition
folder: is the location of the file
servername: is the destination server
/E is the same with /MIR so you can use either one
"…" is bypassing space in case you have space in your folder name

You can get Robocopy by downloading the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools from Microsoft.