Password Wallet Sync Fluent, an App designed for Fluent Design style

Square44x44Logo.scale-200It’s been published in the Microsoft Store the new App : Password Wallet Sync Fluent. It is a special version of the existent Password Wallet Sync for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update only because it uses Fluent Design controls.

Some info about the App:
The App offers a safe place to save your passwords and the secret codes of web sites or software products keys. The data is synchronized on different devices so I can use the same App on multiple computers or tablets and data are always up to date. The data is saved to OneDrive and local file encrypted with AES. It must be used the same Microsoft User Account on all the devices to ensure data synchronization. This App Supports Window Hello and any biometric authentication methods (fingerprint, face or irid scan). The data can be exported to a file in text or in Excel format. For each password you can add photos, useful for example for the barcode of fidelity cards.

App download link in the Store : Password Wallet Sync Fluent
