Password Wallet Sync, new version in the Store with Categories customization

I just released a new version in the Store where is possible to add new categories in the App. That solve a restriction imposed by Microsoft on my previous releases where I can’t use any categories regarding Bank o Finance topics. Now any users can add those categories by yourself.
You can download the following this link Password Wallet Sync


After update to Fall Creators Update I have 114 entries in start menu with NoUIEntryPoints-DesignMode

If you experienced the same problem just after updated your windows 10 PC to Fall Creator Update and you have hundreds of entries in start menu labeled “NoUIEntryPoints-DesignMode” than you have a big problem.
They are packages of deployed UWP App you made when debugged your Apps during development. Now with the update to Fall Creators Updated they appear in the start menu.

The solution is to use the following PowerShell command:

Get-AppxPackage -Publisher “CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US” | ? {$_.IsDevelopmentMode -eq “True”} | Remove-AppxPackage

That’s magic resolve the problem