Unable to load clrcompression.dll when debugging on WM10

Develop for Windows 10 Mobile becomes always more hard. I updated an App in the Store and in the previous version I debugged it on Windows 10 Mobile without problem (I used a Lumia 930). But now I continue to get this error :

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘clrcompression.dll’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

After many tests the solution has been to flag “Compile with .NET Native tool chain” in the Build section of Project properties. A fix to remember.


Nuova versione di Oggi in TV nello Store

Ho dovuto rilasciare una nuova versione dell’App Oggi in TV che fornisce la guida tv del giorno dei principali canali televisivi del digitale terrestre poiché con l’aggiornamento di Windows 10 alla build 15063.332 non si riusciva piu’ a chiudere la finestra di dettaglio dei programmi tv. Scaricate questo aggiornamento e il problema e’ risolto.


Lumia 930 firmware upgrade to 15236.45005

I love my Lumia 930 and i would like to mantain it always updated. I have last version of Windows Phone 8.1 but this last update doesn’t update the firmware to last version. Infact, if you install Windows Device Recovery tool on your PC and run with your Lumia 930 connected via USB cable you discover that a new firmware is available. Here you can see what the tool shows:


One the new feature this firmware installs is the VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) that allows to use the LTE data network during a phone call. I think it is a great feature that I would like to have on my device.

In a recent post about an imminent update to windows 10 mobile in Germany by T-Mobile I read that when you update Lumia 930 to Windows 10  Mobile you get the firmware version 02540.00019.15234.50007 that is older than that available with the recovery tool. It looks like that Microsoft doesn’t upgrade to the last version. That is a shame and I don’t understand it. But I guess that is always possible to upgrade to last version after the upgrade to Windows 10 mobile using the above mentioned Windows Recovery tool.

Remember that the firmware update will destroy all the data on the smartphone so it is better to make a full backup before. And here you can experience a problem. When I try to make a backup of app settings i get always the message that the backup failed to complete when it reaches 98%. One solution to this problem is easy; you have to delete the old backup and than the new backup complete perfectly.