Raspberry Pi pin mappings

You need to know which physical header pins on the Raspberry Pi correspond to which pin numbers you access in your code. For example the pin 37 (second from bottom left pin) maps on GPIO 26. There is a very helpful document on the Microsoft web site that gives you the pin mappings, but for convenience I’ve also summarised the information in the following table:

GPIO# Power-on Pull Alternate Functions Header Pin
2 PullUp I2C1 SDA 3
3 PullUp I2C1 SCL 5
4 PullUp 7
5 PullUp 29
6 PullUp 31
7 PullUp SPI0 CS1 26
8 PullUp SPI0 CS0 24
9 PullDown SPI0 MISO 21
10 PullDown SPI0 MOSI 19
11 PullDown SPI0 SCLK 23
12 PullDown 32
13 PullDown 33
16 PullDown SPI1 CS0 36
17 PullDown 11
18 PullDown 12
19 PullDown SPI1 MISO 35
20 PullDown SPI1 MOSI 38
21 PullDown SPI1 SCLK 40
22 PullDown 15
23 PullDown 16
24 PullDown 18
25 PullDown 22
26 PullDown 37
27 PullDown 13
35* PullUp Red Power LED
47* PullUp Green Activity LED

* = Raspberry Pi 2 ONLY. GPIO 35 & 47 are not available on Raspberry Pi 3.

Deploy hints for apps on Windows 10 Iot device

The deploy step to debug an application on Windows 10 Iot device (like Raspberry Pi) needs some attention. The first thing to do is select the “Remote Machine” in debug section of project properties and than set the address to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, and set the Authentication Mode to “Universal (Unencrypted Protocol”). Next, press F5 on your project. This will install your project onto the Raspberry Pi and start debugging.

When debugging stops the application is again in the device. But if it is a background application it is not running. Should be able to see it in the web management portal under the “Apps Manager” option. You can use this to start and stop an application; configure it to start automatically at boot up, and to uninstall the application.

W10 IOT cannot install Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform

I developed a background application for Windows 10 Iot to run on a Raspberry Pi but when I create the new project I get the following Error:

enter image description here

If I manually add the last version of Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform package and than I start Build I get a lots of errors.

The temporary fix that works for me is the following :

  • replace in your .csproj file
  <!-- A reference to the entire .Net Framework and Windows SDK are automatically included -->
  <None Include="project.json" />


  • and after manually add the Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform package from nuget manager

And finally I can Build my app.